Caveat Emptor
Let the Buyer Beware!
Every week, we receive phone calls and emails from online shoppers who, for one reason or another, have purchased their filters from an American online store. After all, American vendors, for the most part, promise "Free Shipping anywhere in North America".
Imagine just how surprised our cross-border shoppers were when, in order to have their packages released, they were asked to pay, depending on the size of their order, anywhere between $40 and $60 in various border fees. All cross-border orders are subject to GST, Provincial Tax, duty, brokerage and/or handling fees, etc. You will have no choice, but to pay, or refuse delivery. The vendor can't be held responsible for what Canada Border Services Agency does, so you'll be left with no recourse. So much for "Free Shipping".
There is really no substitute for buying from an authorized Canadian distributor. Advantages are multifold, and not limited to the original purchase, but also apply to future shipments (replacement filters, warranty parts, etc.).
Our prices are very competitive and the personalized service we provide is second to none.
For all of our American neighbors to the south we have a US warehouse where we can ship direct; saving you on duty, taxes and broker fees.
Lifetime Warranty
At No Extra Cost
Enjoy your shopping!

Also beware of the direct sales people selling water systems for two to four thousand dollars.
Click HERE for info on that.