Need a solution for cleaner air?
The Air Solution from BelKraft is your answer. It
encompasses six complete stages to dramatically
improve the quality of indoor air.
The air we breathe both at home
and in the workplace is loaded with dust, pollen
spores, and other pollutant particles. According
to the U.S. Envi ron mental Protection Agency
(EPA), the average person breathes two teaspoons
of these pollutants each day. These tiny,
respirable microscopic particles, which can't be
seen by the human eye, penetrate the lungs causing
respiratory discomfort and recurring health
problems. This, combined with the fact that we
spend 90% of our time inside, makes indoor air
quality a major concern.
Breathe cleaner, healthier air! If
you are one of the more than 40 million allergy
sufferers in North America , the Air Solution may
be the answer. It is a cost-effective way to
dramatically improve the quality of indoor air.
There are many different types of
air units on the market. Many of them are
sufficient at producing ozone. Some are able to
ionize the surrounding air. A few of them actually
have some degree of filtration. Providing the
merely-adequate product has never been the choice
in BelKraft product development. Supplying the
absolute-best product is always our focus. The Air
Solution gives all of the benefits from each of
our competitors products and then adds even more.
Air Solutions air purification system encompasses
six complete stages. No other non-industrial unit
even comes close to its performance.
Air Solution is lightweight,
portable, and easy to use. It weighs about 10
pounds and measures 13.5" high and 8" deep.
It has a high, medium and low setting on the
fan. It cleans and purifies over 600 square feet
an hour with its quiet 3 speed motor. Plug it in
and it begins to clean the air you breathe.
Air Solution Six-Stage
Purification System
1... The Pura-Tech
Pre-Filter: A coarse, polyester
mesh for collecting large particles, dander, lint
and hair.
2... H.E.P.A. Filter (High
Efficiency Particulate Air): The
H.E.P.A. filter purifies the air with maximum
effectiveness. It is designed to stop over 90% of
most airborne particles.
3... Micro Antimicrobial
Filter: This finely woven
filter captures any possible surviving
microorganism with a special antimicrobia l s
4... High-capacity
Activated Carbon Filter: The
air purification process continues with a high
capacity carbonized filter pad that acts like a
sponge to purify the air stream by absorbing wide
ranges of gases, chemicals and odors.
5... Ionization: The
ionization feature works continually to emit a
mild charge that freshens stale room air, like the
air you breathe after a thunderstorm.
6... Deodorizer /
Ozonator: For maximum
efficiency on heavy odors, the Air Solution
features an additional deodorizing stage. It
creates ozone (03) to attack offensive odors in
the air by actually splitting the atom molecules
of the pollutants, leaving behind the cleanest,
freshest air possible.
30 day money back
guarantee plus
the Air Solution also has a 10 year
manufacturer warranty.