BelKraft 7 Stage 100 Gallons Per Day Reverse Osmosis
Pure Drinking Water System with all components NSF approved.
Stage I
5 micron polypropylene turbidity filtration pre filter.
Stage II
5 micron carbon block VOC chemical removal filter.
Stage III
0.5 micron ceramic sterasyl filtration certified for bacteria removal including a wide range of water borne contaminants.
Stage IV
110 psi booster pump 24 volt
Stage V
100 GPD (gallons per day) High Purity TFC (thin film composite)
Filmtec™ with pressure gauge prior to membrane housing to be added.
Water then will flow to a holding tank.
Stage VI
Enalka Ozonated high purity neutralizing filter to raise the pH to 7.3.
Stage VII
Acid washed arsenic free post coconut shell carbon polishing filter.
Water then will flow to a designer high flow chrome ceramic disc faucet.
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