BelKraft 2000 Water Purifier
Why is the BelKraft 2000 water purifier the best purifier in the world?
What is worse than paying too much for a purifier is paying too little.
When it comes to water filtration you often get what you pay for.
Whether it's a 10 stage Reverse Osmosis or a distiller for one to five thousand dollars, or a twenty dollar Brita, all filters have pros and cons and you should always give careful thought into what you're looking for.
Here are some of the benefits of the BelKraft 2000 and why we think it's the best purifier in the world:
No other purifier on the market can do all this
Stage one - washable Doulton made ceramic pre-filter made from the finest and purest kieselguhr or diatom earth
Stage two - silver oxide destroys viruses, bacteria, moulds, spores and fungi and prevent bacteria growth
Stage three - solid carbon block made from high quality carbon blends obtained from different raw materials such as lignite, bituminous coal and coconut shells.
Stage four - The final stage is the Heavy Metal removing compound that reduces Lead, Mercury, Aluminum, etc. |
Click HERE for more detailed information on how the ceramic works
Washable Cartridge
On the left shows how easy it is to wash the ceramic surface.
On the right is a cartridge I recently replaced for a client. The surface was completely black, but when I scratched it with my nail it was the same white colour as a new cartridge.
Nice to see what you didn't have to drink. |
With the deluxe faucet kit there are no chances of a leak
Lots of different faucets to choose from
Enhance the beauty of your kitchen with a matching faucet
Optional counter top with dual hose
Benefit of the dual hose allows you to place the unit anywhere on the counter.
Take it with you when you travel. Attaches to any faucet.
Three other stainless steel purifiers to choose from
The 2015 and 2020 have custom made Doulton ceramic cartridges that can last over two years
Ideal for larger families and commercial use
The BelKraft Stainless Universal has a cartridge that lasts 18 months
Very popular for offices - 50 year warranty
Plus simple to install and maintain
Over the last 45 years, BelKraft has established over 500.000 satisfied clients. We are very proud of the fact that we have never had one complaint on the internet. We service what we sell with 100% satisfaction. |