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Brian Clement Lecture - Notes

10/19/96 Notes by Tom Billings

Brian Clement, Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, gave a lecture on Saturday, Oct. 19, 1996, at the San Francisco Whole Life Expo. The following is a summary of my notes from the talk. Any misinterpretations are the fault of the note- taker, not Brian Clement.

There is no such thing as exceptional, only people who take and utilize their full birthright. What is a subhuman existence? Eating foods that are harmful, and/or denigrating others (negativity). Today people are looking for their spiritual roots because they rejected the spirituality they grew up with. We don't need to separate spirituality from the rest of life, we just need to open up to the spirit.

We need to do the easy and right thing to be truly human. What would you be without problems? Daily we struggle to rid ourselves of the neuroses of so-called normal life. We justify our wavering in not eating good food or accepting the spirit.

It's not about what we should do - it's about what we actually do. [Remark from note-taker: a famous saint from India one said, 'an ounce of practice is worth a ton of theory' - the principal applies here.] In a health food store, 75-80% of the stuff there is garbage. It allows you to pretend that you are behaving in a healthy manner - the foolishness of "healthy" cookies, chips, and even herbal cigarettes! When will we stop pretending? We can surrender crap and accept [full] life. Life is easy if you are only half-there.

Brian described some people's concept of fun: the upper-income people eating at expensive restaurants and getting drunk on expensiive wine, and lower income people drinking beer and watching football on TV. This is humanity? It is really sub-human [behavior].

Today 50% of the population dies of cancer. Chronic fatigue syndrome is found in 40% of people under 35. Life expectancy has increased, only due to the numerical effect of reducing infant mortality. We should live longer than the average of 74 - we should live 7 times our age of maturity, 7x20=140 years!

The scientific approach is without compassion. However, compassion is what it is all about - you must be compassionate enough to eat living foods! The dominance of male energy is another problem in the world. We must allow our feminine attribute to come out.

Don't do things with the idea that it is for yourself [selfish]. Do things because you love it, not for intellectual development. We are a compilation of what we think and know. Life and the pursuit of wholeness and happiness, comes from surrender. The things you bought into are what make you ill!

Q: Please comment on the nutritional end of the Hippocrates program. A: A raw vegetarian diet, which emphasizes the important nutrients: hormones, oxygen, enzymes - these are more important than vitamins, minerals. Sprouts give you an energy level that shows up on blood tests and in Kirlian photos. This is very different from a conventional cooked vegetarian diet.

Q: Instinctive eaters eat raw meat. Please comment. A; The instinctive diet is based on the assumption that your instincts are correct. That is a false assumption.

Q: What about fruit? A: Fruit consumption was a big lesson for us. We thought fruit was the ideal diet, yet we observed that people with candida, chronic fatigue, cancer, AIDS, viral diseases, diabetes, etc. did not get well on a fruit diet! Hybrid fruit has 30 times the sugar level of its wild ancestors. Apples have 50 times the sugar of wild crabapples. We eat 5000 times the sugar as our grandparents did. Your pancreas does not function properly under this overload of sugar. Reduce sugar consumption, also carrot/beet juice. If you must use fruit, it should be a maximum of 15% by weight of your diet. Fruit juice should be diluted with water; 2/3 water, 1/3 fruit, before drinking.

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