The Air we Breathe
Indoor air is 100 times more polluted
than outdoor air.
Bad, stale air in your home can cause:
· eye, nose, throat and lung irritations
· colds and flu, sneezing and wheezing
· headaches, fatigue, asthma and allergy
· waking up with puffy eyes, a sore
throat, or a stuffed up nose
What you can't see CAN hurt you.
99% of pollutants are so small that they
are invisible to the naked eye!
Dust Mites
Germs... and more
Filter facts:
Dust contains 2% aluminum.
There are over two million dust mites in
every double bed.
Ozone can kill mould.
A human hair is .75 microns thick.
Bacteria is .22 microns. A virus is .01
microns. The Nutri-Tech cartridge filters
down to 0.03 microns.
Scientists believe that while air
pollution probably doesn't cause asthma,
other respiratory conditions or heart
problems, it certainly aggravates them.
And new research suggests that some of the
smallest pollutants (too small to be
measured until recently) may be linked to
lung cancer.