
Warning – City’s tap water
is not really safe to drink
Read the latest press
release. Click HERE
in drinking water
found in fish
Cancer can be prevented
Prevention is the key
Billions of
dollars have been spent over the last few decades
trying to find a cure for cancer.
The effort
so far has been fruitless other than some
therapies that severely abuse the body by
subjecting it to controlled doses of poison such
as chemotherapy or radiation. Both of which have
long-term destructive effects on the body as well
as unbelievable and often unbearable side effects.
Despite all
of this, cancer is in most cases preventable. We
know that it is not a disease but a dysfunction
brought about by the ingestion of poisonous
chemicals into our bodies in the water we drink,
the air we breathe and the improperly prepared
food we eat. All of this leads to the breakdown of
our body's natural immune system that have for
centuries worked well to protect us against
bacteria and naturally occurring contaminants. But
the abuse of our air, water and food resources
with man-made chemicals have led to a greater
occurrence of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and
so many more life threatening disorders.
Six main
points we will cover in detail:
Avoid Toxins
Slow Down
Change your Diet
Supplements and Antioxidants
Control your thoughts (You are what you think
facts about cancer you should know.
1. Every person has cancer
cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show
up in the standard tests until they have
multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell
cancer patients that there are no more cancer
cells in their bodies after treatment, it just
means the tests are unable to detect the cancer
cells because they have not reached the detectable
2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10
times in a person's lifetime.
3. When the person's immune system is strong the
cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from
multiplying and forming tumors.
4. When a person has cancer it indicates the
person has multiple nutritional deficiencies.
These could be due to genetic, environmental, food
and lifestyle factors.
5. To overcome the multiple nutritional
deficiencies, changing diet, juicing
and including supplements will strengthen the
immune system.
6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the
rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys
rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow,
gastrointestinal tract etc, and can cause organ
damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.
7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also
burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues
and organs.
8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and
radiation will often reduce tumor size. However
prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not
result in more tumor destruction.
9. When the body has too much toxic burden from
chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is
either compromised or destroyed, hence the person
can succumb to various kinds of infections and
10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer
cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult
to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to
spread to other sites.
11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve
the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods
it needs to multiply, such as sugar.
Some of the
world's leading experts in nutrition epidemiology
have cast a resounding vote in the decades-long
debate between treating or preventing cancer:
Prevention wins.
are 6 main points in cancer prevention.
Avoid Toxins
– There are over 2300 know toxins
in our water and scientists are now getting even
more concerned about the long term effects of the
mixes of them. Many people are under the
impression that chlorine in water causes cancer.
Their correct, but it is mainly the by-products of
chlorine that gives you cancer. When chlorine
reacts to organic matter in the water it creates
Trihalomethanes and Halo acetates, which have been
proven to be carcinogenic. Fluoride,
which is added to the water supply of most
municipalities to help cut down on tooth decay in
children, is a possible carcinogen. The Journal of
Epidemiology, in 2001, linked fluoride as the
genetic cause of cancer.
Drinking 8
glasses of purified water daily DECREASES
the risk of: colon cancer by 45%, breast
cancer by 79%, bladder cancer by 50% and rectal
cancer by 38%.
Water also
assists the kidneys in eliminating harmful salts,
toxins and wastes and carries nutrients and oxygen
to all the cells in the body. Very important in
keeping a strong immune system.
According to
the American Journal of Epidemiology bathing and
showering in municipal treated water will increase
you risk of cancer by 57 percent. The solution is
a whole house filter or a shower
filter to remove toxic chemicals.
Bacteria in your
mouth - The bacteria that cause gum disease
have been connected to a host of ailments. This is
another reason why it is so important to kill the
bacteria in deep pockets surrounding your teeth.
– Smoking. I don't have to tell you
about this but recent finding have found that
second hand smoke can be 40 times worst. Second
hand smoke contains more than 4,000 substances,
including over 40 that are linked to cancer.
The American
Lung Association explains that an air purifier is
the best way to clean
indoor air because it is able to remove
these harmful contaminants. The Lung Association
review of studies links indoor air pollutants to a
string of ailments -- from difficult breathing and
wheezing to asthma, respiratory infections,
bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer. A
Health Canada study estimates that the five common
air pollutants -- carbon monoxide, nitrogen
dioxide, sulfur dioxide and fine particulate
matter -- kill 5,900 people a year in eight big
Canadian cities. A study from the EPA states that
the number of deaths from lung cancer increases by
8% for every 10 micrograms of fine particulate
matter per cubic meter.
We breathe
in up to 20.000 litres of air a day. Don't you
think that the 2 heaping tablespoons of pollutants
can affect our health? Having a quality water and
air purifier in your home just makes sense. Either
you use a filter or you ARE the filter.
toxins from your cookware - Even
at a very low level, heavy metal ions can cause
serious health effects, including reduced growth
and development, cancer, organ damage, nervous
system damage, and in extreme cases, death. The
most common heavy metal toxins are aluminum, arsenic,
cadmium, lead, and mercury. Only surgical
stainless steel cookware gives off zero
metal oxides into your foods.
and Herbicides – Organic meat and
produce is readily available in most grocery
stores now. For the extra 10% to 20% cost it is
far more worthwhile than you can imagine. I
recently attended an Organic Farmers fair and was
surprised to learn that many of them take organic
very seriously. I used to be a bit skeptical at
just how organic the foods really were. I was
surprised and relieved at the measures they take
to make the soils and produce full of minerals and
free from toxic poisons.
I have a
farmer grow a cow for me every year. It goes from
mother's milk to grass and never sees a needle. My
baby cow does not contain livestock
antibiotics, growth hormones or parasites.
It costs far less than what I would pay for in a
store and I give most of it away as red meat is
also not the best for you if you eat it too often.
Free roaming chicken and their eggs along with
fresh fish are the main meats you should have to
avoid cancer. Cancer cell walls have a tough
protein covering. By refraining from or eating
less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the
protein walls of cancer cells and allows the
body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.
just use your logic. No plastic containers or
plastic wrap in the microwave. (Best not to use
one at all) No
plastic water bottles in the freezer. Use
stainless steel or glass for drinking and
storage. *
Slow Down
Ever hear
the expression ‘Stop and smell the roses'? Are you
the type that jumps out of bed when the alarm goes
off giving you just enough time to get ready for
work, put pack a coffee, fight rush hour traffic
then deal with a stressful job?
Stress can
have a serious effect on your health. Slow down
and take the needed breaks. I know some people who
practice TM (Transcendental Meditation) and a 20
minute session feels like they've slept for 4
hours. Yoga is also a great way to release stress
and get your body into a relaxed state.
Change your Diet
A report,
issued by the World Cancer Research Fund/American
Institute for Cancer Research, based on an
exhaustive review of nearly 7,000 scientific
studies into whether cancer rates are influenced
by diet, obesity and exercise, concludes that
cancer "is mostly preventable," estimating that
about one-third of all cases in advanced countries
like Canada could be eliminated by diets that
aren't loaded with fatty, sugary foods, by people
exercising regularly and, if they are obese, by
slimming down to an appropriate weight. Among the
cancers with links to these factors are those of
the breast, prostate, mouth and colon.
Sugar is a
cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off
one important food supply to the cancer cells.
Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal,
Spoonful, etc. are made with Aspartame and it is
harmful. A better natural substitute would be
Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small
amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make
it white in colour. Better alternative is Bragg's
aminos or sea salt.
Breakfast is
said to be the most important meal of the day.
Take time to have a nutritious breakfast. If you
don't have a lot of time mix some Muslix with
organic yogurt and throw some fruit on top.
Ideally use blueberries, as they are high in
antioxidants. Simple and fast.
We will be
starting an extensive list of recipes designed to
reduce cancer. Our first one is already posted.
Click HERE.
– Absolutely the best way to start your day.
meat, vegetables, eggs and milk –
Milk causes
the body to produce mucus, especially in the
gastrointestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By
cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened
soy milk, cancer cells are being starved.
Cancer cells
thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet
is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little
chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also
contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones
and parasites, which are all harmful, especially
to people with cancer.
A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice,
whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help
put the body into an alkaline environment. About
20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh
vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are
easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels
within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of
healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building
healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice
(most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat
some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes
are destroyed at temperatures of 104oF
(40oC). Whether you cook your
vegetables by boiling, steaming or microwaving,
you are bringing the temperature to over 100
degrees and losing all the nutritional value. Cook
you vegetables in the Vacumatic cookware. When
cooking Vacumatically the temperature does not
exceed 72 degrees and thus retains all the
vitamins, nutrients and minerals. Go HERE for
more details.
Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high
caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and
has cancer-fighting properties. Water
- best to drink purified water, or filtered, to
avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water.
and RO
water is acidic, avoid it.
Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a
lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat
remaining in the intestines become putrefied and
leads to more toxic buildup.
You are what
you eat.
cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated
environment. Exercising daily, and deep
breathing help to get more oxygen down to the
cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means
employed to destroy cancer cells.
Dr. Shiriki
Kumanyika, an epidemiologist at the University of
Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and a member of an
expert panel that oversaw the writing of the
report. Also on the panel were such nutrition
luminaries as the Harvard School of Public
Health's Walter Willett, said scientific evidence
strongly supports the estimate that poor diet,
obesity and lack of exercise cause one out of
three cancers. "I definitely feel confident that
it's at least that much," she said.
To encourage
more physical activity, the report says society
should place less emphasis on elite professional
sports that lead people to be sedentary
spectators, and instead develop entertainment that
inspires everyone to be physically active. It says
cities should be designed for walking and cycling,
rather than the current practice of promoting
automobile use through road expansion.
The Canadian
Cancer Society supports the report's approach,
saying Canada needs a two-pronged strategy for
dealing with cancer that involves both individual
action and public-policy interventions that help
people reduce their cancer risk.
5. Supplements and
Some supplements build up the
immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac,
anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to
enable the body's own killer cells to destroy
cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are
known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell
death, the body's normal method of disposing of
damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells. For years I
have been drinking a tea called Taheebo, or Pau
D'arco as it is called in South America. It's an
unusual taste but this tea made from the inner
bark of an unusual tree grown in South America is
a very strong antioxidant. I'm also a firm
believer in the health benefits of the juices sold
by many of the multi-level companies. I call it my
liquid vitamins. There are many quality ones to
choose from such as Goji Juice, Intra, Mangostien,
etc. They're all great and loaded with
Control your thoughts
underestimate the power of the mind.
Hypochondriacs do get sick more often mainly
because they believe they are. One of the most
profound statements I have ever heard was ‘You are
what you think about'. Many books have been
written on the subject. The most recent was ‘The
Secret'. It's very simple. If you believe
something strongly enough it can become reality.
I've tested this theory many times and am
constantly amazed at how it seems to keep working.
If you can
see yourself with cancer and you're always
worrying that you will get it, you may end up
getting your wish. On the other hand if you
regularly visualize yourself as the healthy
individual who will live past 100 years of age,
this may happen as well . ‘Whatever the mind
can believe and conceive it can achieve.' DO
NOT underestimate the power of your subconscious
is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A
proactive and positive spirit will help the
cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger,
unforgiveness and bitterness put the body into
a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to
have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to
relax and enjoy life.
line, Prevention is the best cure!!!
estimates of cancers that can be prevented with
appropriate nutrition and physical activity:
70%, Esophagus: 69%, Mouth, pharynx, larynx: 63%,
Stomach: 47%, Colorectum: 45%,
39%, Breast: 38%, Lung: 36%, Kidney: 24%,
Gallbladder: 21%, Liver: 15%, Prostate: 11%
Total for
these cancers: 34%
Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its
newsletters. This information is being
circulated at Walter Reed Army 20 Medical Center
as well. Dioxin chemicals cause cancer,
especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly
poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't
freeze your plastic bottles with water in them
as this releases dioxins from the plastic.
Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program
Manager at Castle Hospital, was on a TV program
to explain this health hazard. He talked about
dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said
that we should not be heating our food in the
microwave using plastic containers. This
especially applies to foods that contain fat. He
said that the combination of fat, high heat, and
plastics releases dioxin into the food and
ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead,
he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware,
Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food.
You get the same results, only without the
dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant
ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from
the container and heated in something else.
Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in
the paper. It's just safe r to use tempered
glass, Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a
while ago some of the fast food restaurants
moved away from the foam containers to paper.
The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.
Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as
Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over
foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food
is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins
to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and
drip into the food. Cover food with a paper
towel in stead.
in drinking water
Ontario open
to ban on sale of plastic water bottles
Updated Thu. Nov. 6 2008
1:44 PM ET
The Canadian Press
Click HERE
for the story
Click HERE for some scary stats on
bottles water
Citizen Reports on E.coli in Ottawa river
Letter to CBC on tap
versus bottled water debate
Dear Newscasters
In response to your news
reviews about municipalities and school boards
restricting or banning bottled water in schools
and municipal buildings I find the debate is
ridiculous. Much of what the bottled water
companies have said about tap water is accurate,
as I will outline below. However, the bottled
water industry is not much better. 99% of the
cost of bottled water is for advertising,
plastic bottles, transportation and profits etc.
and the quality of their water is often no
better than tap water and sometimes worse. It's
certainly not worth the high cost. There is a
much safer and much cheaper solution to the
I have been studying
water quality for almost two decades and for the
last fifteen years have been selling, what I
believe to be the best water purifiers in the
world, but they cost between $400 and $1000.
They are expensive and a lot of ordinary people
can't make that investment in their health. I
have been trying to solve that problem for years
and have only recently come up with a new
business model that can provide each home in the
City of Ottawa with unlimited clean, pure, safe
great-tasting water for less than 32 cents a
day. That means sufficient pure water with all
its essential minerals intact for drinking,
cooking and even for the pets and indoor plants.
Especially the fish!
Please do not think that
I blame the city water purification people for
the poor quality water problem. They are doing
the best they can but given the volume they have
to produce and the chemicals and contaminants
being leaked into our waterways they just can't
refine the water to a level that is drinkable.
Even if they could, that water would be
re-contaminated as it passed through the
hundreds of miles of pipes to reach our homes. I
want that deadly chlorine in my water right up
until it reaches my taps . But then
I have to make a decision, do I want to have a
good water purifier or do I want to be the
purifier? If I decide to be the purifier, I must
remember replacing the clogged human organs can
be a long, painful and sometimes fatal process
and the replacement you get is never a new one.
It's your decision, do you really want you and
your family to be the filters? Or do you want to
be able to throw away the bacteria, chemicals,
heavy metals, poisons and other contaminants
every year and start with a brand new fresh
purifier cartridge?
For more information
about how citizens of Ottawa can get great
tasting water for less than 39 cents a day they
can go to my website. The website include a
large number of reports on why tap water is not
good for your long term health. It also explains
why the Doulton water purification cartridge
towers above all other water purification
systems when it comes to producing great-tasting
water with all the natural minerals still
There is a much better
alternative to both tap water and bottled water
that will keep people healthy, kids will drink
it because it tastes so much better than tap
water and it won't involve filling the landfills
with plastic bottles. The perfect
environmentally friendly solution to the tap and
bottled water debate.
Did you know that Doulton
started making ceramic water filters 180 years
ago for Queen Victoria and they have been
improving on it ever since. Now it filters down
to 0.3 of a micron, which is pretty small when
the diameter of an average hair measures 100
microns across.
Go to
for more background information such
- Why it is so important for us to drink water
for our long term health?
- The benefits of drinking plenty of water.
- How bad is our tap water?
- A comparison of all sources of purified water
- Why a Doulton washable ceramic /carbon block
cartridge is better than any other system.
- How you can get clean, pure, safe, great
tasting water for less than 39 cents a day?
I hope you can investigate this much better
alternative to tap or bottled water. I already
have doctors and health food stores promoting it
for me. Unfortunately at 32 cents a day the
advertising budget is virtually non-existent. I
just want people in Ottawa to have a better
Ron Geyer
To whom it may concern.
Here is my opinion
of the Bottled Water debate that seems to be
raving across the city.
My personal info is at the bottom of the
Many local municipal agencies are
making moves to ban bottled water sales in their
establishments, stating that bottled water is no
better than tap water and people are paying too
much money for a product that creates an
environmental nightmare.
The water bottlers are saying
that if kids don't have bottled water available to
them they will turn back to the sugar laden soda
drinks because the taste of city water is bad. And
so the silly argument can continue forever until
someone wakes up and realizes that both sides are
wrong and nobody is looking at a simple solution
that can resolve the problem for everybody. Let's
look at the facts.
These are taken from a US study
simply because a Canadian version is not available
but the truth is proportionately the figures apply
just as much in Canada.
- Each day over 70 million bottles of water are
sold in the US.
- Last year over 38 billion single-use water
bottles ended up in U.S. landfills and waterways
leaching toxins into our earth and water.
- Bottled Water production, transportation and
disposal required more than 17 million barrels
of oil last year in America alone, enough fuel
for more than 1 million cars for a year,
generating more than 2.5 million tons of carbon
- 1.5 million barrels of oil are used to produce
the plastic bottles for the 8 billion gallons of
bottled water consumed each year in the U.S.
This equates to enough oil to power 100,000
vehicles for a year.
- Transporting water bottles from origin to
market in the U.S. alone is equivalent to
38,000, eighteen-wheel trucks delivering water
- Over 2.5 billion tons of plastic are used each
year to produce single-use water bottles,
resulting in over 1.5 million tons of plastic
waste per year, requiring 47 million gallons of
oil to produce.
- Bottled water companies, water to production
ratios are roughly 3 to 1. This means for every
3 liters of freshwater that the bottled water
industry takes from the earth and our U.S.
municipal water sources only 1 liter of bottled
water is actually produced. What happens to the
remaining 2 liters? It is used to clean bottles
and machinery and discarded as wastewater.
- In the so called filtering of city water large
amounts of toxic chemicals are added to the
already heavily contaminated water sources
- The chlorine that is added to the water to
disinfect it of viruses, bacteria and parasites
is not only poisonous but acts upon microscopic
organic material to create Trihalomethanes
(THM's) which are known to be carcinogenic.
- Scientists at all levels of government and
research institutes around the world have
declared that the long term, continued use of
chlorinated water leads to cancer, heart
disease, birth defects and a host of other major
health problems.
- Over the past two decades, our society has
dumped more chemical waste, sewage, poisons,
industrial waste and drugs into our water
sources than at anytime in history.
- In the first two months of the year there have
been 3 contaminating spills into the Ottawa
River. One nuclear, one raw sewage water and
recently a spill of 6,000 lbs of Freon used in
air conditioning and refrigeration units. You
can't send your old fridge to the dump until you
have paid to have the toxic Freon removed by a
registered contractor. It's the law because its
dangerous, but the city declares it will have no
effect on the purity of our city tap water.
- If you need 100's more reasons why not to
drink tap water visit
Please don't get me wrong I am
not against what the municipal water people are
doing. Given the volume of tap water they have to
filter and that the provincial standards for water
quality permit relatively small amounts of
cyanide, strontium and hundreds of other toxic
chemicals we can't expect more. Recent research
has stated that they are less concerned about the
2300 chemicals found in our water and more about
the powerful cocktails that are created when many
of these chemicals get together in the mix.
Even if they could clean the
water to a safe level it would get re-contaminated
as it travels through the hundreds of miles of
pipes to get to my home. I will categorically
state that I WANT the deadly chlorine in my tap
water right up to the taps in my home, because at
that point I can make the decision about what I
will drink or not.
The Third Alternative
Where in the debate has anybody
considered the third alternative? One that
provides pure, clean, fresh great-tasting water
without the need for a single plastic bottle going
to recycling or the landfill. There are hundreds
of water purification systems on the market and
unfortunately many of them do a poor job of
purifying the water. If you open the Brita refill
carton (it's written on the inside of the box) it
clearly states in tiny print, “the Brita
Pitcher filter is not intended to purify water.”
If you would like to find out a few of the many
facts and reports on Bottled water, tap water and
water filters go to
Now you and your family can have
unlimited pure, clean, safe, great tasting water
for drinking, cooking and even pets and house
plants (the fish love it) all for less than 32
cents a day. Yep you heard me right, you don't
have to buy a water purifier, don't take care of
it, you just drink the water or put some in a safe
drinking bottle and take it with you and your
whole family can drink great water for less than
the cost of one small bottle of bottled water from
the vending machine each day.
If you are currently drinking
bottled or tap water you should find out more.
After 123 years, it finally blew
The water pipe that burst downtown yesterday was
installed in 1885. Rupture highlights how
accounting decision 'shortchanged' public
Indeed, the city's
water main system contains 2,700 kilometres
of piping, and Mr. Weir said there are
roughly 320 breaks per year. Two hundred
kilometres of the pipe is made of cast iron
and is more than 95 years old.
Click HERE
for the story
stores race to purge bisphenol A products
Interesting fact about
microwaving water. Click HERE
In the News…
Public Health and Drinking Water News Briefs:
Oct 2010 issue
June 2010
June 2008 issue
May 2008 issue
April 2008 issue
March 2008
February 2008
January 2008 issue
2007 issue
2007 issue
2007 issue
10, 2007 issue
July 2007
2007 issue
International global warming
conference approves report on climate change
IAQ Articles
( International Indoor Air Quality Commission )
A Primeval Tide of
Toxins - Runoff
from modern life is feeding an explosion of
primitive organisms. This "rise of slime," as
one scientist calls it, is killing larger
species and sickening people.
Do you trust your cities
tap water?
Here is a list of
all water treatment chemicals used.
(From the City
of Ottawa water treatment web site.)
- Aluminum
Sulphate (liquid)
- Sulphuric Acid (liquid - 93%)
- Pre-Chlorine
- Sodium Silicate (liquid)
- Lime
- Sodium Hypochlorite (liquid
- Post-Chlorine
- Hydrofluorosilicic Acid
- Sodium Hydroxide (liquid -
- Aqueous Ammonia (liquid)
- Carbon Dioxide (gas)
- Sodium Bisulphite (for
Each one of these chemicals would
kill you in stronger concentration.
Just a thought.
This is what they have to say
about water. They have the nerve to mention the
word 'purified' after dumping all this in our
'On an ordinary day, the
human body loses about two litres of water
through breathing, perspiration and excretion.
It's important that we replace that lost fluid
with clean, safe water. While the waterborne
transmission of typhoid fever, diphtheria,
cholera and several other intestinal diseases
has decreased by over 98 percent in Canada
during the last 50 years, our water still needs
to be purified and treated
before we drink it.'
by author Curtis
Water sustains life. The water you drink
replenishes your body's cells and flushes out
waste to keep you healthy and vibrant. In fact, at
any given time, almost two-thirds of your
body is composed of the water you've consumed in
the previous few days.
Now picture this: a
friend offers you a glass of water and presents
you with something that smells strongly of
chlorine. When you pull a face, she laughs and
says she knows it smells, but thinks it's okay to
In a way, she's
right; chlorine is the very reason that most
municipally treated water is "okay." Ever since
the disinfecting properties of chlorine were
discovered in the 19th century, cities have been
adding it to drinking water to kill harmful
micro-organisms and pathogens.
But the benefits of
chlorination come at a cost. Although scientists
and health officials generally agree that chlorine
levels in municipally treated water are too low to
pose a significant health risk to humans,
the use of chlorine actually creates byproducts
that can cause serious harm.
chlorine reacts with organic material, such as
leaves and twigs in source water, it produces
chlorinated organic compounds called
trihalomethanes, which include such toxic
substances as chloroform. Several studies have
shown these substances to be carcinogenic even
in extremely low doses, and other studies have
implicated them in problems during pregnancy.
Chlorine and
its byproducts aren't the only hazards. Lead
from pipes can leach into water supplies. If
your drinking water comes from an untreated
source such as a private well, the groundwater
supply can become tainted with diseases such as
Giardia or Cryptosporidium, fecal coliform from
animal waste, or chemicals such as pesticides.
The best solution
would be to invest into a quality water purifier
for your kitchen. One guaranteed to remove
Cryptosporidium, Giardia Lambia, E coli, chemicals
and lead.
We have a new Free
computerized health
questionaire .
Water has been called “the most essential
The benefits of drinking plenty of water:
helps us look better by keeping our weight in
revitalizes dull dry skin and lubricates all of
our joints
regulates our body temperature,
assists the kidneys in eliminating harmful salts
and wastes
carries nutrients and oxygen to all the cells in
the body.
essential for maintaining good health.
Approximately two thirds of a person's body
weight is water.
Blood is 63% water, The Brain is 75% water,
Muscles are 75% water,
Lungs are 80% water, The Heart is 75% water, Liver
is 85% water
Kidneys 63% and Bones are 22% water.
The average adult requires about 8 to 12 cups of
water per 24 hours
for digestion, perspiration, breathing and
elimination of body waste.
One third of our basic water intake comes from
the fruits and vegetables.
A deficit of at least eight cups of water a day
must be added to ensure the health and wellness of
our body and avoid dehydration.
In addition:
Any strenuous physical exercise demands even
more water intake.
(A single exercise session can deplete our body's
water by 3 to 5 litres.)
Please note that the following do NOT count
towards water intake:
Drinks containing nutrients, such as milk, fruit
juices, sugar sweetened drinks, salty tomato based
juices etc. takes water from the body to process
the nutrients.
Tea, coffee, cola drinks and alcoholic beverages
are diuretics that promote urination, causing even
greater water loss than the liquid consumed.
What happens if we don't get sufficient
Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime
If the amount of water in your body is reduced
1-2%, you feel very thirsty and your metabolism
slows down.
2-5% can trigger fuzzy short term memory, trouble
with basic
math and difficulty focusing on the printed page
or screen
5%, you'll have difficulty moving your muscles or
clearly reducing your ability to work by 20-30%.
At 10% loss of body water you will die.
Drinking 8 glasses of water daily DECREASES the
risk of:
colon cancer by 45%, breast cancer by 79%,
bladder cancer by 50% rectal cancer by 38%.
back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.
kidney stones and urinary tract infections
constipation, migraine headaches and obesity.
Scientific research has revealed that the
quality of the water is directly proportional to
the health and longevity of people in five regions
of the world who regularly live to over 120 years
of age.
Surveys show that 75% of North Americans are
chronically dehydrated and it is reaching epidemic
proportions because water is substituted for other
liquids that actually increase the body's water
In 37% of North Americans, the thirst mechanism
is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.
Hence, we mistakenly snack when we should be
drinking water to satisfy the body's emergency
warning signals.
How bad is our tap water?
Despite years of research many people still
believe faith that the city would only provide
them with clean healthy water.
Over the past 2 decades our society has dumped
more chemical waste, sewage, poisons, industrial
waste and pharmaceutical drugs into our water
sources than at anytime in history. Our rivers and
lakes have been contaminated and even the
subterranean aquifers that supply our wells and
springs have become contaminated by the leaching
of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, nitrates,
phosphates, dioxins and so many more toxic
substances. Manure and other organic waste has led
to increased bacteria in our water sources.
Virtually every day the media reports incidents
of contamination and pollution of our municipal
water sources. Water quality varies from city to
city, street to street and tap to tap. Water can
change from day to day depending on water
treatment techniques and controls.
Our water treatment people are fighting an
uphill battle. With limited resources, they try to
clean up the water as best as they can. Over 75%
of community water supplies are disinfected with
chlorine to kill disease-causing germs. Without
the chlorine, most of us would be dead in days
from water-born bacteria and viruses.
Chlorine is itself a poison and despite its
extreme dilution,
it does have a long term affect upon our health.
Research by federal, provincial and city
departments as well as scientists in universities
across the country and around the world, have
declared that the regular use of chlorinated water
for an extended period of time leads to diseases
such as cancer, heart disease and a myriad of
other genetic and degenerative disorders.
10 to 15 years ago, statistics showed 1 in 15
would suffer with cancer. The current projections
have increased to 1 in 2 within the next 10 years.
Chlorine reacts to organic matter in water and
creates Trihalomethanes which have been proven to
be carcinogenic.
Escherichia Coli (E.Coli), Gardia Lamblia, Fecal
Coliform and Cryptosporidium are microscopic
parasites found in the feces of infected humans or
animals, often found in water sources after
snowmelt or rain storms. When found in drinking
water they can cause serious intestinal illness.
Some of these parasites are chlorine resistant.
It is estimated that one third of gastro
intestinal illnesses can be traced to microbes in
tap water.
Current testing methods for Cryptosporidium are
imprecise and miss about 90% of the parasites in
the raw and finished water.
What most people are not aware of is that the
water coming from our taps could in fact be
creating the very health problems that we suffer
from and are constantly trying to battle.
Pollutants picked up as the water passes through
distribution pipelines include copper, iron, zinc
and lead which often cause unpleasant odour,
unpalatable taste and discoloration along with the
long term health effects. Lead in water may cause
brain retardation in children.
Scrutinizing the contents of our drinking water
can reveal a deadly cocktail of poisons and
substances in minute traces that destroy healthy
body cells or collect in the body and cause harm.
Scientists have identified over 2300 different
chemicals in our water.
Most people do not drink enough water because it
doesn't taste good and they defer to sweet tasting
drinks that diminish rather than increase their
bodies water supply.
If you could see the state of the water pipes
from the plant to your home you would want the
disinfecting power of chlorine in the water right
up to your tap but at that point you have to make
a decision….
A doctor once said:
“you can either have a filter or you will be the
If you decide to be the filter, remember that
replacing the clogged human filter can be a long,
painful and sometimes fatal process and the
replacement you get is not a new one and is often
well worn in.
Its your decision….
Do you want you and your family to be the
Or do you want to be able to throw away the
bacteria, chemicals, heavy metals, poisons and
other contaminants every couple of years and start
with a brand new fresh cartridge?
How can we get good water?
Our choices include:
- Buying bottled water;
- A pitcher type or faucet mount filter;
- A Reverse-Osmosis Filtration System;
- A Water Distillation unit;
- A Granular Activated Carbon filter (GAC);
- A Nutri-Tech Water Purifier with the Doulton
Ceramic pre-filter.

Let us look at
our options.
Here is what
researchers say about bottled water.
Despite perceptions that it's
healthier, there is little difference between
bottled water and tap water — apart from cost.
Bottled water may be no safer, or healthier, than
tap water in many countries while selling for up
to 1,000 times the price.
Bottled water is the fastest
growing beverage industry in the world, worth up
to $22 billion a year. But the study, conducted by
University of Geneva researcher Catherine Ferrier,
said the only difference between some bottled
water and tap water is that it is distributed in
bottles rather than pipes.
1.5 million tons of plastic are
used to bottle water every year. "Toxic chemicals
can be released into the environment during the
manufacture and disposal of bottles.
In 50% of cases the only
difference is that bottled water has added
minerals and salts, which do not actually mean the
water is healthier.
Bottled water is virtually unregulated.
Bottled water is over priced, over 95% of cost is
bottle, label, lid and transportation.
Any time water is stored for a prolonged period of
time in a plastic bottle, it will take on traces
of the chemicals used in the plastic such as
Pthylate and Vinyl Chloride.
According to the FDA, "Companies that market
bottled water as being safer than tap water are
defrauding the public”
Small Pitcher or Faucet
Type Filters
Quote off the inside of the box
of the Brita Water filter cartridge;
“Caution! The Brita water filter
is not intended to purify water.”
A small gravity filter can not
be expected to remove heavy duty pollutants.
As it reduces Chlorine and bad
taste, we are given the impression that the water
is clean.
Water Works Association has
described small cartridge units in a pitcher or
that attach to the tap as "totally useless",
because of their size and the brief exposure time.
The presence of organic
nutrients in carbon filters can promote bacterial
growth, as quickly as overnight. (Taken from the
"City of Ottawa" water treatment plant website).
Reverse Osmoses
For every gallon of filtered
water, eight gallons go down the drain.
Very slow. Without a holding
tank it would take a few hour for one glass of
Not effective at removing some
Removes all the healthy natural
minerals. (*see 'Calcium'
Maintenance in costly.
RO membrane can clog or rupture.
Takes up all the space under
your sink.
Water has a flat taste.
Costly to operate. Every litre
costs $0.6 in hydro.
Bacteria growth in the holding
Removes all the healthy minerals.
Water tastes flat.
Many pollutants are not removed.
They are typically not effective
at removing organic compounds such as pesticides
and Trihalomethanes (THMs). THMs is a known
Common Carbon Filters
Bacteria grows inside.
Ineffective at removing lead and
other heavy metals and will not soften the water.
Most units are sealed and not
No replaceable cartridge.
What is the solution?
According to a quote from the
‘Alive' health magazine;
“The best type of filter to buy would be an
activated carbon block filter with a sediment
pre-filter to remove bacteria and parasites, and
an automatic shut off point when the filter has
reached it's limit.”
We teamed up with Doulton of
England, the worlds leader if water filtration
since 1827.
Doulton manufactures over 100
million filters a year to 188 different countries.
Combining their porcelain
filtration expertise with our Surgical Steel
expertise, we have produced the best water
purifier on the market to date.
How Does It Work?
First the water passes through the Doulton
sub-micron pre-filter.
This stage is a purifier on its own and filters
down to 0.3 microns.
The porcelain is impregnated with silver which
renders its surface bacteriostatic. Bacteria
cannot grow on the surface or work its way
through. Silver mixed with granulated carbon
(G.A.C.s) leaches out. Such a unit will be less
Once the pure water passes through the porcelain,
it then travels through an ion exchange chamber
which removes all the heavy metals such as the
lead, aluminum and mercury.
Stage three is a solid carbon block which is so
compressed that it has the filtering surface of
over 300.000 square yards.
The result is the purest possible water with all
the healthy natural minerals intact.
The benefits of this
type of purification are;
- The porcelain is washable. The inside never
clogs up.
- The unit indicates when to clean it or
replace it, by the flow rate.
- It is the only purifier on the market that
allows the free flow of the Calcium and other
healthy natural minerals.
- Because of the minerals, the water has a
sweet delicious taste.
- Bacteria cannot grow inside the filter.
- Removes heavy metals such as Lead, Mercury
and Aluminum.
- The housing comes with a lifetime warranty.
- Very easy to maintain.
- It is EPA approved.
- It uses only FDA (Federal Drug
Administration) approved materials.
- It meets NSF (National Sanitation Foundation)
standards 42 and 53.
- It is backed by two respected companies:
BelKraft and Doulton of England.
- Service is free.
We have a purifier for
every need!
See more purifiers on our Water Purifier

Calcium helps to reduce risk of osteoporosis,
high blood pressure as well as colon and rectal
Treated water devoid of calcium
and natural minerals acts as an active absorber.
It will incease bodily acidity,
the risk of osteoarthritis, osteoporosis,
hypothyroidism, coronary artery disease, high
blood pressure, premature aging and cardiovascular
Protect yourself . . .
. . . against the consequences of the byproducts
(i.e., trihalomethanes) of chlorinated drinking
water. You have a right to clean potable water!
1905 – Chlorine introduced to
municipal drinking water to prevent waterborne
diseases such as typhoid, cholera, etc.
1990 – Risk factor in developing
bladder cancer among people ingesting chlorinated
water ranged from 12 to 27% (National Cancer
Institute, Bethesda, MD)
1992 – Chlorination and
byproducts account for at least 6,500 cases of
rectal cancer and 4,200 cases of bladder cancer in
the U.S. each year. (Harvard University School of
Public Health, Medical College of Wisconsin)
1997 – Chloroform, a byproduct
of mixing chlorine with humic acid found in
surface water, is linked to an increased risk of
colon cancer. (University of Minnesota)
1998 – Pregnant women who drank
5 or more glasses per day of tap water containing
trihalomethanes had a miscarriage rate of 15.7%.
(California Department of Health Services)
It is estimated that
within 10 years one out of two of us will suffer
from some form of cancer.
Read on if you would
like to minimize your odds.
Over the years
of being involved in the health and nutrition
industry, I have developed some habits that I
truly believe will help me live past 100 years of
The following is a list of what
I think are some of the most important ways to
stay healthy:
- Doctors recomend we drink a minimum of 8 glasses
of purified water a day. The water should not be
filtered by a Distiller or Reverse Osmosis, as you
want your drinking water to have the minerals
intact. (See my site on water purifiers)
Purify the air in your home and office.
- Always scrub and wash your fruits and veggies in
filtered water. (Why add more carcinogens) Prepare
your food properly. Cook your vegetables in a
Vacumatic saucepan, which will preserve all of
your vitamins, nutrients, color and taste. Steam
comes to 100° and micro waving boils the vegetable
within its own juice, so either raw or cooking in
a vacuum vapor will preserve the natural goodness
of your foods.
Never have a cold drink drink
with your meal. Always drink
something hot.
Contaminated Fruits and Vegetables.
Remember, you are what you eat.
- Juice every morning. I start my day with a big
glass of carrot and apple. If I miss lunch I don't
end up with a headache. It is not normal to ever
have a headache. We seem to treat our cars better
than our bodies. I found an excerpt in the book
'The Juiceman' where they say the best way to
eliminate a headache is to drink 1 full liter of
purified water within 20 minutes.
AND BATH - I have heard from many
of my clients in the medical fields that a very
large percentage of Chlorine and chemicals from
city water is absorbed through our skin when we
bath or shower. The best way to eliminate these
carcinogens from entering our bodies is with a
'whole house' water filter. For those of us with
out the disposable income for such a costly toy,
the next best thing is a shower filter. After I
installed mine, I immediately noticed a difference
with my skin and my wife noticed a softness with
her hair. Most importantly, it gives us a piece of
mind knowing that our children are not bathing in
a 'chemical cocktail'.
ACRYLAMIDES - I was shocked at
the foods that I thought were healthy that are
actually killing my family (see the articles).
- If we don't take powerful antioxidants daily to
fight the free radicals we could end up being one
of the thousands of people who die daily of
cancer. I found two antioxidants in the health
food stores that impressed me. One is called 'ALL
GREENS' and the other 'GREEN +'. A combination of
both gives me every thing I want.
Now, for the logical things we must do for our
- Don't snack past 3 hours before bed. Try to
keep your snack healthy. Veggie dips and fruit
platters are my favorites. Flavoured popcorn can
be nice but stay away from potato chips as they
are usually loaded with transfats.
- Try to remain close to your ideal weight. I
find if I stand on the scales in the morning it
will remind me daily to eat the right things.
- Avoid smoke and second hand smoke.
- Get enough 'deep' sleep. I used to snore and
never felt rested so I spent a night at the
'sleep clinic' and they found that I only got a
few minutes of deep sleep and would wake about
20 times an hour. My dentist made me an
appliance for at night that would keep my lower
jaw forward and prevent me from snoring. It
worked so well that it not only saved my life,
(as you can die from Sleep Apnea) but also my
marriage. (The snoring drove her nuts) For more
info on this, contact Dr. Greenacre's clinic in
- Stay active. Limit your TV viewing. Make time
to exercise, even if it's just a walk
around in the mall.
- Watch your stress level. Get a hobby or a
pet. Our Lhasa Apso and ShitZu mellow us out
after a hard day.
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol. I like Swiss
Water decaffeinated coffee. I'll drink the 0.5%
beer and never drink fountain pop when I go out.
(Made with city water).
- A nap or 30 minutes of TM feels great when
you're a bit older. (Over 50).
People always guess my age to be
in the mid 30's. Even the 'age & weight'
guessers at the Ex want to see ID because they
don't believe I'm over 50. I truly believe that if
you feel younger, you look younger. It's all up to
us. Lets get started!
Call Ron at (613)
523-7800 (local calls)
1-877-523-7800 (toll free - outside Ottawa) or e-mail now.
Did You Know?
Water Facts
- Incredible as it seems, water
is quite possibly the single most important
catalyst in weight loss. Water suppresses the
appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize
stored fat.
- Research by Federal,
Provincial and City departments, as well as
scientists in universities across the country
and around the world, have declared that the
regular use of chlorinated water for an extended
period of time leads to diseases such as cancer, heart
disease, birth defects and other degenerative
- Chlorine reacts to organic
matter in the water and creates Trihalomethanes
and Haloacetates, which have been proven to be
- Next to chlorine, lead is the
most common contaminant found in tap water.
- The U.S. EPA has also found
that in adult males, better control over lead in
drinking water could prevent over 680,000 cases
of hypertension, 650 strokes, 880 heart attacks,
and 670 premature deaths from heart disease
every year in America alone.
- Even low lead levels are
reported to cause the following types of
problems; poor mental performance, low weight at
birth, interference with the metabolism of
Vitamin D, delayed growth and neurological
development, and poor attention span.
- Tons of aluminium sulphate is
added to our water in the treatment process to
make the sediments settle out of the water.
- An Ontario study involving 668
autopsy-verified Alzheimer's brains, showing an
increased risk by a factor of 2.5 in people
drinking water with more than 100 micrograms of
- Escherichia Coli (E.Coli),
Gardia Lamblia, Fecal Coliform and
Cryptosporidium are microscopic parasites found
in the feces of infected humans or animals,
often found in water sources after snowmelt or
rainstorms, can cause serious intestinal
- These parasites are mostly
chlorine resistant and it is estimated that 1/3
of gastro intestinal illnesses can be traced to
microbes in tap water.
- Current testing methods for
Cryptosporidium miss about 90% of the parasites
in the raw and finished water. (Milwaukee had
the worst outbreak of Chriptosporidium in 1993.
The authorities did everything the government
required of them, and still 403.000 got sick and
115 died.)
- With over 70,000 chemicals now
in use and with the introduction of a 1,000 more
each year, drinking water contamination is
increasing at an alarming rate. According to a
leading citizen lobby, U.S. drinking water has
2,300 toxic chemicals causing cancer, cell
mutation, and nervous disorders.
- Existing treatment plants were
not designed to remove the new toxic chemicals,
and the government is slow to regulate the high
rate of contamination.
- Lack of water is the #1
trigger of daytime fatigue.
- If the amount of water in your
body is reduced by: 1% you feel very thirsty and
your metabolism slows down; 3% can trigger
fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math
and difficulty focusing on the printed
page; 5% you will have difficulty moving
your muscles or thinking clearly, reducing your
ability to work by 20-30%; At 10% loss of
body water you will die.
- Drinking 8 glasses of water
daily DECREASES the risk of:
• colon
cancer by 45%, breast cancer by 79%,
• bladder
cancer by 50% rectal cancer by 38%.
• back and joint pain for up to 80% of
• kidney stones and urinary tract
• constipation, migraine headaches and
- Scientific research has
revealed that the quality of the water is
directly proportional to the health and
longevity of people in 5 regions of the
world who regularly live over 100 years of age.
- It has been estimated that 53
million Americans, about 20 percent of the
population, have been drinking water that is
contaminated with feces, radiation, lead, or
other poisons. This is according to data
collected by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency in 1993-1994. This was a 7.6
million increase over 1992!

Call Ron at (613) 523-7800 (local
1-877-523-7800 (toll free - outside Ottawa) or e-mail now.