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The Top American Chefs love our
new HS knives
I recently went to a convention
and was very surprised at what I found out about
these knives. It seems they are far better quality
than I thought.
Here are some of the things I
learned about them.
They now have two sizes in the
fillet knives. I love to fish so I have one
ordered. There is a 7” and a 9” one with a nice
sheath to hold it in and attach to a belt.
The handle it actually a Pakka
Rosewood. They use a hardening resin to make the
handles as strong as the plastic one but still
retains the beauty of Rosewood.
They are hand forged. Even the
expensive Cutco knives are stamped out of metal
sheets. The forging process allows for the unique
quad tang. Because of the extra weight in the
handle they are perfectly balanced.
They removed the serration from
the steak knives. Serration, it seems, tears the
food while a sharp knife simply slices clean
through. Also, a serrated knife does not sharpen
as nicely.
They have added a new cheese
The blocks that the steak knives
sit in detach from the mail block and have a built
in stand. Very classy.
The Asian Chef knife is a bit
wider then the standard chef knife allowing for
safer chopping.
They are rated as 55 to 57 on the
Rockwell hardness scale. This is the perfect
hardness. Any harder they would be brittle and any
softer they would not stay sharp long enough.
Solingen Germany's finest blade.
They have a double lifetime
warranty. Click HERE
for Warranty info.
They have a custom made knife
holder where the entire set slides into a thin
drawer and the knives sit on top. This is ideal
for people with no counter space for the block.
Famous chefs like Emeril Lagasse
and Michael Symon love the knives and made
comments like ‘best knives they have yet seen'.
