Whole House Big Blue with Universal Purifier
When it comes to city treated water we should never take a chance on the safety of our health. The Big Blue system removes al sediment, chemicals, bad taste and chlorine for great showers and baths.
Further purification is then done in the kitchen with the 0.3 micron Universal water purifier.
This is by far our most popular and effective package.
By removing 99% of the chlorine and most other chemicals with the Whole House Big Blue system you will not only bath and shower safely but there are other benefits you may not have thought of.
- Eliminate inhaling chlorine vapores as it evaporates into the air every time you flush the toilet, do laundry or dishes
- Reduces skin irratation for people with sensitive skin. You will notice the difference when your cloths are washed with filtered water
- Washing pots and dishes in chemical free water is easier on the hands
- Removing sediment and chemicals prolongs the live of your dishwasher, washing machine and hot water tank
- Use less shampoo, dish and laundry soap
- Safely brush your teeth and wash your face in the bathroom sink
- Improve fridge ice cubes and water
- Extend the life expectancy of your water purifier cartridge as you would now be purifying filtered water
- Expand your system with specialty cartridges for areas with large concentrations of arsenic, fluoride, lead, iron or hardness.
Easy to install
Click HERE to read about our 'Do it yourself' installation kit.
Now that the water in your shower and bath has been treated, you need to purify the water in the kitchen for drinking, cooking, making coffee and tea, pets, plants, washing vegetables etc..
The Universal Purifier is our most economical kitchen purifier.
![Universal water filter with Deluxe faucet kit](images/universal_sm.JPG)
A high quality 4 stage washable ceramic filter cartridge that purifies the water to 0.3 microns.
- Available also as a countertop model.
- This unit houses a custom designed cartridge which is by far the best on the market.
- First a washable sub-micron Porcelain Ceramic pre-filter prevents clogging of the cartridge and thereby extends its effective life.The ceramic pre filter also acts as an automatic shut off valve by slowing water flow to indicate that the ceramic needs cleaning without risking contamination of the cartridge or drinking water.
- Free silver ions (Ag+) have a toxic effect on micro-organisms even in relatively low concentrations. They have a highly fungicidal, bactericidal and algaecidel effect, therefore removing all harmful bacteria, parasites and viruses including Gardia Lambia Cysts, Cryptosporidium, E Coli, Fecal Coliforms, Hepatitus B and Salmonella.
- Stage three removes all heavy metals including lead, mercury, aluminum, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium and silver.
- Stage four is a solid carbon block, which is so compressed that it is the equivalent of over 300,000 square yards of filtering media.
- The cartridge lasts about 18 months. (over 30 months if used with the Big Blue whole house filter)
- The reinforced polypropylene material used in the housings is NSF and FDA compliant.
- Can upgrade to a surgical steel housing.
- Comes complete with faucet and all fittings needed to connect to cold water line. We have a very large collection of high quality filter faucets to choose from
![water filter faucet](images/1979_1_.jpg)
When ordering both systems at the same time you receive a much larger discount.
In canada we have financing with Medicard and your installments are as low as $53.00 a month.
Call for details at 1-877-523-7800 or write to sales@belkraft.com