The Nation's water systems must make significant investments to install, upgrade, or replace infrastructure to continue to ensure the provision of safe drinking water to their 240 million customers. Installation of new treatment facilities can improve the quality of drinking water and better protect public health. Improvements are also needed to help those water systems experiencing a threat of contamination due to aging infrastructure systems.
The Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended in 1996, established the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to make funds available to drinking water systems to finance infrastructure improvements. The program also emphasizes providing funds to small and disadvantaged communities and to programs that encourage pollution prevention as a tool for ensuring safe drinking water.
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program: Delivering Sustainable Public Health Protection for America
2005 Annual Report
EPA 816-R-06-003
- The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program: Financing America's Drinking Water from the Source to the Tap - A Report to Congress
EPA 918-R-03-009, May 2003
- Financing America's Drinking Water - A Report of Progres s
EPA 816-R-00-023, November 2000
- Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Gap Analysis Report
EPA 816-R-02-020, September 2002
- Implementation of Transfers in the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs: Report to Congress
EPA 816-R-00-021, October 2000
- Handbook on Coordinating Funding for Water and Wastewater Infrastructure: A Compilation of State Approaches
EPA-816-R-03-018, October 2003
- Case Studies in DWSRF Implementation
This reports present a series of reviews on how states are implementing their DWSRF programs (public participation, assessing capacity, disadvantaged programs ).
- I. Public Participation
EPA 816-R-00-001, April 2000
- II. Capacity Assessment
EPA 816-R-00-004, July 2000
- III. Disadvantaged Communities
EPA 816-R-00-005, August 2000
- SRF Fund Management Handbook (PDF 79 pp, 792 K)
EPA 832-B-01-003
- DWSRF State Priority System Compendium
(February, 1999)
Top of page
- DWSRF Program Overview (PDF 2 pp, 236 K)
EPA 816-F-00-028
- Public Participation in the DWSRF Program (PDF 2 pp, 298 K)
EPA 816-F-00-015
- Using DWSRF Set-Aside Funds to Assist Small Water Systems (PDF 2 pp, 310 K)
EPA 816-F-00-014
- Using DWSRF Set-Aside Funds for Source Water Protection (PDF 2 pp, 272 K)
EPA 816-F-00-013
- Using DWSRF Set-Aside Funds for Operator Certification (PDF 2 pp, 257 K)
EPA 816-F-00-012
- Using DWSRF Set-Aside Funds for Capacity Development (PDF 2 pp, 252 K)
EPA 816-F-00-011
- Protecting Drinking Water with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program
EPA 832-F-00-001
- Funding MTBE Prevention and Remediation Projects with the CWSRF (PDF 2 pp, 367 K)
EPA 832-F-00-004
- Funding Class V Injection Well Closures with the CWSRF (PDF 2 pp, 271 K)
EPA 816-F-00-074
- Using the DWSRF for for Source Water Protection Loans (PDF 4 pp, 217 K)
EPA 816-F-0028
- U sing the DWSRF to Implement Security Measures at Public Water Systems (PDF 4 pp, 790 K)
EPA 816-F-0028
- Using DWSRF Funds to Comply with the New Arsenic Rule (PDF 4 pp, 258 K)
EPA 816-F-02-004
- Using DWSRF Funds to Comply with the Radionuclides Rule (PDF 4 pp, 496 K)
EPA 816-F-02-008
- Using DWSRF Funds to Comply with the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (PDF 4 pp, 179 K)
EPA 816-F-02-007
- Using DWSRF Funds to Comply with the Filter Backwash Recycling Rule (PDF 4 pp, 492 K)
EPA 816-F-02-006
- Using DWSRF Funds to Comply with the Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (PDF 4 pp, 480 K)
EPA 816-F-02-005
- Using DWSRF Funds for Transmission and Distribution Needs (PDF 4 pp, 165 K)
EPA 816-F-03-003
- Funding Water Efficiency Through the State Revolving Fund Programs (PDF 8 pp, 1 M)
EPA 816-F-02-006
- Implementing AWOPs through the Capacity Development and the DWSRF Programs (PDF 4 pp, 486 K)
EPA 816-F-03-019
- Funding for Source Water Protection Activities (PDF 8 pp, 177 K)
EPA 816-K-03-004
- SRF's UP: A Newsletter for the DWSRF and CWSRF Programs
- SRF State Activity Updates
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