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Drinking Water test Kits

Our drinking water test kits are the only 10-minute, do-it-yourself water safety tests on the market today.

They are affordably priced, easy-to use, easy-to-understand, follow EPA Standards, and offer quick, remarkably accurate results! 

Could you be drinking contaminated water?

Despite modern facilities, water remains an all-too-common source of both acute and chronic illness - simply because it is by far the most ingested substance. Though most depend on their local water utility to provide a safe water supply, testing and monitoring water contaminants is not as routine as most people think. The vast majority of the nearly 100,000 water systems in the USA never or rarely test for most listed water contaminants because it is wildly cost prohibitive.

Complete implementation of the testing requirements of the Safe Water Drinking Act would cost most small towns more than all police, fire and municipal services. More than 11 million US households whose water supply comes from a private source must pay for their own tests or risk contaminant exposures. Until now accurate testing for contaminants was only available through expensive, analytical laboratories using complicated and time-consuming methods. But now there is a simple 'do it yourself' kit

Click HERE for the facts on Water testing


City Water Test Kit

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Previously called the All-In-One Drinking Water Test Kit. The City Water Test Kit contains these test kits: E.Coli bacteria, lead, pesticides, chlorine, hardness, pH, nitrates and nitrites.

Knowing the pH level of your water can help you prevent secondary effects. If the acidity of your water is too high, corrosion can leach out lead from pipes and plumbing as well as damage your water supply system and water heater.

Lead was used extensively in plumbing until the 1980's, and even low levels of lead have been linked to learning disabilities in children and hypertension in adults.

Nitrates and Nitrites are common, yet an incredibly harmful pollutant, especially to children and small animals. When animal and human wastes or field fertilizers come into contact with water, they show up as nitrates and nitrites. Both are serious contaminants because they affect the very core of human life - birth and the development of young life.

Find out if your water has harmful levels of E.Coli bacteria, lead, pesticides, chlorine, hardness, pH, and nitrates and nitrites!

This City Water Test Kit allows you to test ONCE for each contaminant.

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Well Water Test Kit

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With more than 23 million people in the U.S. relying everyday on private wells for drinking water, no standards currently exist for testing drinking water from private wells and no requirements exist for periodic testing of these same private wells.

This science kit is specifically designed to test for all 10 of the most common types of harmful contaminants found in private water wells.

The Well-Water Test Kit will test for E.Coli bacteria, pesticides, nitrates, lead, iron, nitrites, hardness, pH, chlorine, and copper. Fast and easy test results are immediate without paying any further laboratory testing fees!

This All-In-One Drinking Water test kit allows you to test ONCE for each contaminant.

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Two Way Chlorine Test Kit

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Liquid test drops that will test your chlorine and pH level in your water


  • Deluxe two vial design with color keyed indicator solutions.
  • Includes instructions and storage case.
  • Can make multiple tests.

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